Evergreen Old Hindi Songs
Retro Hindi Radio
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Online Radio India

Evergreen Old Hindi Songs is an online radio station dedicated for Evergreen Hindi Music. The station plays old hindi songs whole day long. Indian cinema is well known all around the world for its songs and dance sequences. Bollywood movies have a long history of music in films. Purane Hindi gane in earlier times was all about beautiful lyrics which used to have meaning. Golden era of Bollywood were the days of good tasteful music. If we talk about the retro songs, their endangered existence is a topic to worry. There's something about old Hindi film music. As much as we love the recent Bollywood songs, old classic songs will always remain close to our heart. Bollywood has produced hundreds of super-hit songs throughout the years, but only a few songs tend to stay close to you forever. No one can still stop dancing to the beats of Shammi Kapoor songs and other legendary artists even though decades have passed by.
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