Radio City Smaran
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Online Radio India
Radio City is India's first private FM radio station and was started on 3 July 2001. Radio City forayed into New Media in May 2008 with the launch of a music portal - PlanetRadiocity.com now radiocity.in that offers entertainment related news, videos, songs, podcasts and other music-related features. Music connects the individual to the universal spirit. Music is the rhythm and harmony that flows from the universe to the individual, the cosmos to the finite. When the heart melts, music dawns, dance happens. Music is an essential part of the flowering of human potential. It brings refinement in our evolution. It is a significant part of spiritual growth. In the space of music, questions disappear, wonderment dawns. Doubts drop, thoughts dissolve and it connects one to the heart. Immerse yourself in devotional songs, aartis, bhajans, Aarti's, Mantras, Meditation Chants, Jaap, Shlokas, Amritwani and Kirtan's. Shree Krishna Bhajan, Hanuman Bhajan, Ganesh Bhajan, Ram Bhajan, Laxmi Bhajan, Santoshi Maa mantras and more. Listen to Bhakti songs at your comfort in 24 hrs than wasting time in searching online songs. Listen to Radio City's selection of devotional songs.
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