Radio City Bhakti
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Online Radio India
Radio City is India's first private FM radio station and was started on 3 July 2001. Radio City forayed into New Media in May 2008 with the launch of a music portal - PlanetRadiocity.com now radiocity.in that offers entertainment related news, videos, songs, podcasts and other music-related features. Telugu Hindu devotional songs, Bhajans, Mantras, shlokas and devotional show Aaradhana with RJ Suneetha online on Radio City Bhakti streaming 24x7. Bhakti, (Sanskrit: “devotion”) in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee. Listen Telugu devotional songs online Venkateswara Suprabhatam,Namassivaya Sthuti,Sri Kalahasti (slokam), Shiva Sahasranamam stotram, Adithya etc. Why do we do bhajan? Not only Listening and singing of Bhajan impart serenity and peace of mind but also able to transform our thoughts. Furthermore, the Listening of Bhajan helps to promote immunity and increases the low prana energy level.
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